
Knowyourbank.com’s blogs are focused on topics such as personal finance, credit, and bank fees. Our goal is to help provide readers with information that will help them make better decisions, save money, and avoid unnecessary fees.


  • top 5

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Banker

Recent changes in bank fees at many banks have many consumers wondering what they should do next. If you are trying to decide whether or not to open a new account at a different bank, you need to find out a little bit more about your financial institution -- and the institution are considering switching [...]

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Small Business Banking Tips

One of the most important decisions you make as a small business owner is how you handle your banking. As you set up the bank account for your small business, here are 5 small business banking tips that can help you improve your banking situation: Open a Bank Account in Your Business Name The first [...]

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Secured Credit Cards to Build Credit

 Are you trying to build or improve your credit score? If you are you're not alone. There are a number of things you can do to improve your score, such as paying your bills on time and disputing negative items on your credit report. Another way you can help to build up your credit is [...]

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Understanding Your Monthly Cashflow

One of the reasons that many people have difficulties with their finances is because they don’t understand their cash flow. Understanding your monthly cash flow is knowing the way your money moves through your individual financial system on a monthly basis. In order to make better financial decisions, you need to have a mastery of [...]

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Credit Unions vs Banks

Lately, there's been a lot of talk about moving your money from the big banks. Some suggest that with all of the fees charged by banks, it’s a good time to make the move to a credit union. Before you make the switch, though, it helps to understand the differences between credit unions vs banks, [...]

FDIC Shuts Down Fort Lee Federal Savings

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) announced the closing of New Jersey based Fort Lee Federal Savings Bank. This brings the total number of failed banks to 17 so far in 2012. As of December 31, 2011, Fort Lee Federal Savings Bank, FSB had approximately $51.9 million in total assets and $50.7 million in total [...]

CFPB Investigates Overdraft Protection Programs

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is examining 9 banks on overdraft fees practices. The banks are being investigated for potentially pushing customers into overdraft protection programs which allow banks to collect more fees. Overdraft Protection Programs Overdraft protection programs allow people to overdraft their account, here's the catch though, when you overdraft your account the [...]

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Why You Need an Emergency Credit Card

So often you see articles written about building good credit, having a credit card and paying your bill on time to build good credit. I couldn't agree more, but one thing that is often overlooked is how helpful a credit card can be when you have an emergency. We recently wrote a post about bank [...]

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Watching Out For Bank Holds

When you walk in to the bank and deposit a check, chances are that you expect that money to be made immediately available to you. If you deposit $300, you expect that you will be able to walk out of the bank and access that $300 with your debit card. However, this might not be [...]

Too Big to Fail: A Case for Breaking Up Big Banks

A recent report from Dallas Federal Reserve Bank research head Harvey Rosenblum suggests we need to break up the big banks, and get rid of the idea that they are "too big to fail." In the report, titled "Choosing the Road to Prosperity: Why We Must End Too Big to Fail - Now," Dallas Fed [...]

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